Pandelis Perakakis

News and events

Rethinking How We Measure Affect: New Insights into Psychological Well-being

How do our feelings shift between good and bad states throughout the day, and what can these shifts tell us about our psychological well-being? Our new study reveals that most people don’t gradually drift between feeling good and bad – instead, they tend to remain in one state before suddenly “tipping” into another, much like a lake switching between clear and turbid states. More importantly, we found that what matters for well-being isn’t how intensely we feel, but how we transition between these states. This discovery opens up new possibilities for simpler and more intuitive ways to measure and understand psychological health.

Rethinking How We Measure Affect: New Insights into Psychological Well-being Read More »

How to sell your journal: The secret business of academic journal acquisitions

Ever wondered how academic journals change hands? I recently had a revealing conversation with a company specializing in journal acquisitions. Here’s what I learned about the ’empire’ they’re building and what it suggests for the responsibility of academic societies in the commercial takeover of scholarly communication.

How to sell your journal: The secret business of academic journal acquisitions Read More »

¿Cómo quieren ser evaluados los investigadores en España?

Algunos aspectos destacados de una encuesta en la que preguntamos a 875 académicos investigadores que viven y trabajan en España su opinión sobre la importancia que debería tener una selección de 39 criterios diferentes en la evaluación de los currículos de investigación de los candidatos en un proceso de contratación.

¿Cómo quieren ser evaluados los investigadores en España? Read More »

Report back from COAR’s annual meeting: celebrating a $4 million grant for the Notify Project

Last week I attended the annual COAR meeting held in Madrid and organised by DIGITAL.CSIC. It was by all accounts an exceptional event marked by two important reasons for celebration: being the first International post-pandemic face-to-face meeting and receiving a significant grant to continue the development of the Notify Project.

Report back from COAR’s annual meeting: celebrating a $4 million grant for the Notify Project Read More »

Psicológica y DIGITAL.CSIC aúnan esfuerzos a favor del acceso abierto diamante sostenible y de los servicios editoriales de repositorios

Anunciamos el relanzamiento de Psicológica, la revista de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX), como revista de acceso abierto diamante que publicará sus artículos exclusivamente en DIGITAL.CSIC, el repositorio institucional del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Psicológica y DIGITAL.CSIC aúnan esfuerzos a favor del acceso abierto diamante sostenible y de los servicios editoriales de repositorios Read More »

Psicológica and DIGITAL.CSIC join forces for Sustainable Diamond Open Access and Repository as a Publisher Services

We announce the relaunch of Psicológica, the journal of the Spanish Society for Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), as a Diamond Open Access journal published exclusively on DIGITAL.CSIC, the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Psicológica and DIGITAL.CSIC join forces for Sustainable Diamond Open Access and Repository as a Publisher Services Read More »

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