News and thoughts
La semana pasada participé en una mesa redonda sobre las practicas de ciencia abierta y su importancia para enfrentar el problema de replicabilidad en Psicología...
This past weekend I had the pleasant experience of migrating my software KARDIA form its old home at the SourceForge repository to GitHub. Although the clearest benefit from this migration is the...
This is the title of our new preprint, published in PsyArXiv, where we review the evidence in favor of the novel hypothesis that physical exercise enhances cognitive performance by improving...
Muchos académicos todavía confunden Open Science con “Open Access” o, lo que es peor, creen que acceso abierto es sinónimo de publicar en revistas de acceso abierto. Este es el primero de una serie de...
Last month my colleague Luis Ciria and I, gave a two-day workshop that focused on how to use the Matlab toolbox eeglab to create heartbeat-evoked events, extract epochs from the continuous EEG signal...
As promised, I publish here a recent correspondence between Angel Correa, a colleague at the Brain, Mind & Behaviour Research Center of the University of Granada, and the editor of an Elsevier...