Pandelis Perakakis

News and thoughts

Our paper on University rankings makes the headlines of “Vima Science”

The feature article on last Sunday's Vima Science discussing University Rankings presented a research paper authored by Michael Taylor, Varvara Trachana, Stelios Gialis and myself. The Vima Science...

New article published at Prometheus, Critical Studies in Innovation: Academic self-publishing: a not-so-distant future

After a long delay, our debate article “Academic self-publishing: a not-so-distant future” finally appeared at Prometheus, a journal publishing critical studies in innovation. The journal issue...

Diapositivas de mi presentación sobre educación respiratoria en pacientes de Asma en la Universidad de Granada

Hoy dí una charla en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Granada sobre la imprecisa y profundamente problemática definición del asma como un trastorno crónico inflamatorio. En las...

Audio de mi charla introductoria sobre educación respiratoria en el centro sanitario MENSANA

El audio de la charla que dí el 7 de Mayo en el centro sanitario Mensana como introducción a mi curso de educación respiratoria para el asma y otros trastornos relacionados con la respiración...

New article published in PLoS ONE: Impact of Stock Market Structure on Intertrade Time and Price Dynamics

A new article we have been working for some time with Dr. Plamen Ivanov was recently published in PLoS ONE. In the article we analyse times between consecutive transactions for a diverse group of...

Our article on University Rankings published in the Journal of Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

Global university rankings are a powerful force shaping higher education policy worldwide. Several different ranking systems exist, but they all suffer from the same mathematical shortcoming - their...

In a complex world is it always meaningful to ask why?

As I make my way through an ocean of stimuli and experiences I observe the subtle changes in my mood and try to explain where they come from and what is causing them. My mind is hardwired to look for...

Europe’s unpreparedness to support peer review innovation

I recently came back from Brussels where I attended the Information Days on the Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures Work Programme. I was there to present the LIBRE project and to have the chance to...

LIBRE presentation for Horizon 2020

Today I made a brief presentation of Open Scholar and the LIBRE project at the Information Days on Horizon 2020 that was held in Brussels from 12-14 of February. I had the chance to receive first hand...
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