Pandelis Perakakis

News and thoughts

Beyond open access: facing academia’s real problems

On Thursday 5th of December, I gave a talk on how to move beyond open access and face academia's real problems, at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. The talk focused on how the journal...

On the future of peer review: LIBRE presentation at SpotOn London 2013

On Friday 8th of November, together with Michael Taylor we gave a 5-minute talk on the future of academic peer review also presenting the forthcoming platform LIBRE at the SpotOn 2013 event...

Psychophysiological Measures of Emotion: Application in Experimental Economics

The presentation of my lecture for the students of the Master in Economics at the University of Granada (20th of March 2013)...

La enseñanza a la calle…. (La Barraca Incendiada)

No permitamos más rejas, más señales de dirección obligatoria al sentido del pensamiento y las palabras. Surgió La Barraca en Granada para provocar pequeños incendios en inesperados interiores, en...

Universidad a la Calle

As a response to severe government cuts in education budget, a group of 28 University professors decided to take our lectures to the streets. We chose a central square in Granada called Bibrambla and...
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