Pandelis Perakakis


How to upload your scientific software code to GitHub and get a DOI from Zenodo

This past weekend I had the pleasant experience of migrating my software KARDIA form its old home at the SourceForge repository to GitHub. Although the clearest benefit from this migration is the possibility to easier collaborate with other programers for the future development of the software, there are several other sweet candies that came along…

How to upload your scientific software code to GitHub and get a DOI from Zenodo Read More »

HEPLAB: Matlab scripts to facilitate heartbeat-evoked potential analysis

Last month my colleague Luis Ciria and I, gave a two-day workshop that focused on how to use the Matlab toolbox eeglab to create heartbeat-evoked events, extract epochs from the continuous EEG signal based on these events, and use Fieldtrip to perform a cluster-based permutation analysis to detect statistical differences between groups and conditions. The custom scripts we used at the workshop are freely available through the Zenodo repository.

HEPLAB: Matlab scripts to facilitate heartbeat-evoked potential analysis Read More »

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