Pandelis Perakakis


I’m an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid, where I teach Individual Differences and investigate the dynamics of affective experiences.

In 2012, I co-founded Open Scholar, a group of volunteer researchers developing and promoting models and tools to improve Scholarly Communication.


Affect dynamics

Exploring the relation between affect shifts and psychological well-being

Scholarly communication

Developing models and tools to promote scholarly-governed academic publishing

Exercise, Brain and Cognition

Investigating whether and how physical exercise improves cognitive performance



Matlab software for the analysis of heart rate data: Heart Rate Variability, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Phasic Cardiac Responses.


Matlab standalone software and EEGLAB plugin for the analysis of the Heartbeat-evoked Potential: QRS and T-wave detection, visual artifact detection, event creation.

Selected publications

Bistability and affect shift dynamics in the prediction of psychological well-being

Emotion. (2024)

An umbrella review of randomized control trials on the effects of physical exercise on cognition

Nature Human Behavior 7, 928–941 (2023)

Replacing academic journals

Royal Society Open Science, 10 (7), 230206

Natural selection of academic papers

Scientometrics. 85 (2), 553–559 (2010)

Latest news and thoughts

Rethinking How We Measure Affect: New Insights into Psychological Well-being

How do our feelings shift between good and bad states throughout the day, and what can these shifts tell us about our psychological well-being? Our new study reveals that most people don't gradually...

How to sell your journal: The secret business of academic journal acquisitions

Ever wondered how academic journals change hands? I recently had a revealing conversation with a company specializing in journal acquisitions. Here's what I learned about the 'empire' they're building...

Djokovic vs Science

When tennis superstar Novak Djokovic changed his diet, his career took off. But not everyone is convinced, citing a lack of scientific evidence. In my latest blog post, I explore the tension between...

Facultad de Psicología
Departamento de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y Diferencial
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Campus de Somosaguas s/n
28223. Pozuelo de Alarcón. Madrid

Office: 2.229 (Building 2, second floor)
Tel: +34 91 394 3120
perakakis [at]

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